The projects

Welcome to the projects section! Here you can discover how we are concretely bringing our mission to life. Enter to view the completed projects and those currently underway. Each project is designed to meet specific needs and improve the lives of those in need.

Home for the Elderly

The vigor and joy of our children meet the affection, care, and wisdom of the elderly. Two complementary worlds that redeem each other through love and dedication

Home for Girls

The goal of the “Home for Girls” project is to welcome young women aged 8 to 16 who carry in their bodies and souls the tragic signs of the abuse they have suffered

Food for the World

It took many years of study and immense research to obtain the funds to start work on the first and only factory dedicated to producing a superfood to fight hunger in the world

The New Church

The new church has finally been built and consecrated after so much work. We are happy to be able to present it after so much effort and the help of many people and to be able to use it to draw ever closer to God

The Nursery

The Nursery currently welcomes 40 children aged four to six, coming from the outskirts of Barbacena and was built on top of a hill near the agricultural area

Fish Farming

Fish farming, through an artificial basin equipped with several tanks for fish breeding and reproduction, is proposed not only as a food support but also as a professional-level school