Donating is a gesture of great solidarity. The choice to give up something that belongs to us to give it to others who have not had the same possibilities as us certainly offers new opportunities to those who receive, but it also allows us to feel part of a project of authentic love.

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Payable to: “Associazione Il Padre Pellegrino ODV

Unicredit Palazzolo Sull’Oglio Branch (Bs), Italy

IBAN: IT80I0200854903000100251570


You can also use the following postal account:

IBAN: IT94P0760111200000001737482

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Marco Roberto Bertoli writes in a letter: “Charity is made up of two hands, one that gives, the other that receives and both must remain empty. The one who gives must be empty, since she was able to give everything she had, the one who receives cannot keep anything back because she needs everything.”

From the interview with Marco on TeleTUTTO:

every time I listened to their stories on the side of the street, in the end they always asked me the same thing ‘take me away‘ … and those eyes that asked me ‘take me with you‘ were the eyes that then at 23 years old made me decide to found my first mission

dramas and wounds such as abandonment, rape, prostitution, are dramas that children carry with them throughout their lives.

And we must understand that helping the child is not simply creating a place where we offer food, a bed, the possibility of learning to read and write, play a violin and learn a profession.

Until we are able to heal these wounds we are unable to redeem this life.

This is the main mission of our life in relation to children